Arduino Examples

Basic Arduino LCD and Keypad Example Code

This code is about basic example where we interface a 4×4 keypad with Arduino and one 20×4 LCD with Arduino. You can also use 16×2 LCD with Arduino in same code. Here is the complete working code example.

Arduino Examples

How to Read N Number of Bytes from Serial Port in Arduino?

In this post we are going to demonstrate how to read “N” number of bytes from Serial port in Arduino. This is very common problem where we are only focusing on specific number of bytes which are being transmitted from different sensor or even from different microcontroller board. For example in my current case I […]

Examples Microcontroller

Microcontroller RESET Problem

The Unexpected reset of a microcontroller is the microcontroller reset problem which we are going to discuss in this blog post. Whenever you are dealing with some external peripheral interfacing this could be a big issue if not managed properly and could cost you a loosing your project. There are many possible reasons including hardware […]


Custom Java lambda expressions for cleaner and more concise code

Custom Java Lambda expression could help you to write more cleaner and concise code especially when you are working with functional paradigms. Lambda expressions were introduced in Java 8 and became one of the crucial parts of the Java Programming which helps to write functional programming. It helps to reduce the boiler plate code which […]

ESP8266 Examples

ESP8266 Web API Based Digital Clock with OLED Display

Today we are going to cover web API based digital clock using esp8266 nodemcu in Arduino. In this post I would mention two kind of codes, first one is to implement a digital clock without the API and second one with API. When we will use the pure native digital clock implemented in ESP8266, it […]

Examples MERN Stack Next js React-js

Built your own React Pagination System

Do you ever wonder why do we need to build a custom react pagination System? Or while setting up the project why we do we need a to setup a react pagination component as well? Or How do I use custom pagination system in react JS? We are going to answer these questions in this […]

ESP32 Examples

AI Thinker ESP32-Cam Video Streaming

Today I am presenting the code which also comes with built in example to stream the video of esp32-cam module. But the difference between the code which comes with built in example is that it also comes with lot of unnecessary interface which is mostly not required. All you need is to see the camera […]

Examples MERN Stack

How to start a MERN Stack Application

MERN Stack is basically Mongos, Express React.js and Node.js. Which means, in a MERN Stack application we create backend using Node.js and Express and Front End with React.js and for the Database we use NoSQL kind of Database which is MongoDB. In this post we are going to explain how to start a new MERN […]


Teachable Machines tflite model Python Test

If you had trained and tested your tflite model with teachablemachines you now want to test that in your python code. In this example code we are assuming the classification model and image processing task. We used the OpenCV and tensorflow model and load the tflite model with tf.lite.interpreter. Here is our complete code This […]

Assembly Language Examples Microchip PIC16 PIC16F877A

PIC16F877A PIC Microcontroller Keypad Interfacing in Assembly Language

Matrix 4×4 keypad interfacing with pic microcontroller is another one of the most wide problem which we often face and in today’s tutorial we are going to explain the 4×4 keypad interfacing with pic16f877a microcontroller. It makes very special problem to not even decode the matrix 4×4 keypad but also to open the door of […]