Today we are going to use the L298N motor driver with 8051 microcontrollers to control a DC Motor. This motor control system is specially for robotic 2-wheel differential drive car. Or could be used with any other use case where we need to drive one or two motors with the push buttons. The program which […]
Golang int to string Conversion
There are several ways for Golang int to string conversion. We will briefly discuss few of them in today’s tutorial. We have built in strconv package to help us deal with the various data types. We can take help of that package to do our Int to String conversion task in the Go programming language. […]
Today we will try to learn the STM32 Input Capture Mode with the simplest code example to learn how to use STM32 Input Capture Mode? Before we dive into today’s tutorial you may want to check out our previous STM32 tutorials. For today’s example, I’ll connect a push button to one of the timers on […]
In our previous 8051 LED blinking example we used loop iterations to generate the delay but, in this post, we are trying to make use of 8051 timers. With the help of 8051 timers, we will generate exactly 1 second delay. We will explain the process of timer configuration, timer registers, timer register value calculation […]
This article will explain the integration of Shadcn-UI with your Next.js 14 Project. Integrating ShadCN-UI with Next.js can streamline your development process, offering a blend of flexibility and power. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up, configure, and optimize your Next.js project with ShadCN-UI, ensuring a smooth workflow and a clean […]
Today we are going to make a very simple 8051 Assembly code for a frequency counter example. We are going to make the example very simple and to the point just the way we normally do in our previous examples. Today’s focus is to demonstrate the very simple frequency counting algorithm implementation in 8051 assembly […]
In our previous post we created a Next.js 14 API example code for QR code decoding. Now we are going to consume that API end point in our ESP32-CAM. The main challenges is that, how to capture the image? How to convert that image into the base64 encoding in Arduino environment? How to send that […]
Nextjs 14 API routes for QR code decoding
Today I am going to tackle a very simple problem of QR code decoding with Next.js 14 API routes example program. We will create a very simple API route for QR code decoding. We are using the jsQR library. As with the new app router support in the Next.js, now the API routes are written […]
Yesterday, I finished the first prototype of Load management system for a client and due to the short time, I faced some issues, which should be solved pre handed. Today, I am going to summaries what kind of problems I faced during the project and how I shifted and what I didn’t accomplished. So, this […]
Today we are going to make a list of required libraries while doing web development using Flask framework in python. **Here are 20 must-learn libraries for Flask development, presented without explanation:** 1. Flask-SQLAlchemy2. Flask-WTF3. Flask-Login4. Flask-Mail5. Flask-Migrate6. Flask-RESTful7. Flask-JWT-Extended8. Flask-Babel9. Flask-SocketIO10. Flask-Caching11. Flask-Testing12. Flask-DebugToolbar13. Flask-Compress14. Flask-Bootstrap15. Flask-Moment16. Flask-Admin17. Flask-Marshmallow18. Flask-Cors19. Flask-WTF-CSRFProtect20. Flask-OAuthlib 1. **Flask-Flaskify**: Simplifies […]