Introduction: The “OOK modulation” or On Off Keying Modulation is very popular now days due to VLC or Visible Light Communication. OOK modulation is easy to use and easy to implement. As we can even implement this modulation using simple 555 timer IC. In this post we are going to explain How to implement OOK […]
Month: January 2018
Zero Cross Detector Circuit using OpAmp
Introduction It is very common problem to detect when an analog signal changes its value from positive to negative or vice versa. Zero cross detector is used to solve this kind of problems. Zero cross detector is Kind of Voltage comparators used to detect the change in waveform. Zero crossing is the cross of the […]
STM32 LED blink using Keil and Cubemx
We are going to create a LED Blink Program for stm32f103 microcontroller which comes with stm32 Bluepill development board which is cheap and handy to use. stm32 led blink program will help you to understand the basics of GPIO’s of STM32 platform and help you to understand some basics of using these GPIO as Output.
If you are familiar with some higher level language like C/C++, C#, Java or any other language you may already be well aware of if else statements. But if you are new to programming then lets just first understand what these statements are all about? and later know how to make it, and if else […]