
FPGA LED blinking Example

Led blinking example is considered a hello world program for any Hardware based softwares. So today we are going to blink the LED in my Nexys 3 Board. This example will serve the both examples, VHDL as well as Verilog. First of all we will look for the VHDL example. VHDL LED blinking Code Here […]


STM32 ADC Timer Trigger Example from scratch

Using STM32 ADC with Timer Trigger option it helps us to control the sampling time of the ADC. It also becomes important when we need to sample Audio or while making some waveform analysis options. In this tutorial we are going to extend our previous STM32 ADC+USART example, where we implemented the ADC basic single […]


STM32F4 Discovery Board ADC + Usart

In this post we are going to read ADC1 channel 10 on GPIO PC0 on STM32F4 Discovery board. First of all we will set the Clock PLL to run the discovery board on full speed with 168Mhz frequency. Later we initialize the USART with the baudrate of 230400 Kbps and finally we initialize the ADC […]