
Custom Java lambda expressions for cleaner and more concise code

Custom Java Lambda expression could help you to write more cleaner and concise code especially when you are working with functional paradigms. Lambda expressions were introduced in Java 8 and became one of the crucial parts of the Java Programming which helps to write functional programming. It helps to reduce the boiler plate code which […]

Machine Learning

Top 50 Reasons to use Naive Bayes Classifiers

You should not always consider the resource hungry deep learning models if your task can be handled by a simple Naive Bayes classifier. Here are the Top 50 Reasons to use it. Naive Bayes classifiers seem very simple but they are extremely effective machine learning algorithms which could be advantageous in various scenarios. Here are […]

Book Recommendations

Top-Rated Books for Mastering Embedded System Programming

Here is the compiled list of books which you should read to master the Embedded system Programming. Embedded systems programming is not easy perk to enjoy in ride. This is a roller coaster journey. The one new in the field and trying to adapt the Embedded System Programming as their full-time job should focus on […]

Arduino atmega328

How to use ATmega328P lock bits to protect your firmware

Before you wonder how to lock the atmega328p microcontrollers which are backbone of Arduino Uno, this is done with lock bits which you can program in atmega328p microcontroller to protect from reading. In this post we are going to summarize the lock fuse bits in atmega328p microcontrollers. We will describe how to use these available […]


How to start a SaaS Startup as a Developer

In today’s post we are going to discuss the opportunity of starting the SaaS Startup for a software engineering background. First of all, let’s discuss what is a SaaS? SaaS is a short form of Software as a Service. When you provide a service in form of a Software it is a SaaS. The SaaS […]


Car parking system using Arduino and IR Sensor

Car Parking system using Arduino and IR Sensor is very interesting project to start playing or to demonstrate your basic understanding of Arduino Programming and Sensor Interfacing. There are many options and Algorithms to build a car parking system but here we will discuss the Arduino Car Parking system using IR Sensors. IR sensor could […]

ESP8266 Examples

ESP8266 Web API Based Digital Clock with OLED Display

Today we are going to cover web API based digital clock using esp8266 nodemcu in Arduino. In this post I would mention two kind of codes, first one is to implement a digital clock without the API and second one with API. When we will use the pure native digital clock implemented in ESP8266, it […]