Image Processing Examples MATLAB

MATLAB Color Segmentation and Color Threshing

Color Segmentation is very basic problem in digital image processing. Most of the time we need to segment Object based on their colors. So Color segmentation comes in handy in such scenarios. Today, we are going to explain how to segment RGB Image based on some basic Primary Colors. This technique could also be applied […]

Image Processing MATLAB

RGB to HSV Conversion in MATLAB

To achieve rgb to hsv conversion in matlab we can see that MATLAB Image processing toolbox provides functions for converting between different color spaces. Like to convert from RGB color space into HSV color space we have function called rgb2hsv() we need to pass RGB Image to this function and this function will return a […]

STM8 Cosmic C Examples STM32F103

STM8 TIMER 4 Example in Cosmic C

TIM4_CNTR register is used for counting value. TIM4_PSCR = 0x01 will divide input clock with 2 and finally 0th bit of TIM4_CR1 is used to enable or disable timer

Examples STM8 Cosmic C

LCD 4 bit mode interfacing with STM8 in C from scratch

We are going to interface LCD 4 bit mode with stm8s103f3 microcontroller. The code will be equally applicable for similar line STM8 microcontroller. The language we are going to use is C and the compiler we used is COSMIC C compiler for STM8. The IDE that we used for writing our code is STVD from […]


Getting Started with Flask Python

Flask is a micro-framework in Python for developing web applications. Flask supports jinja2 template engine. We will use Flask framework for developing our mini (sometimes major) IoT based Applications in Raspberry PI. Because of it’s REST like request handling system it become very easy to develop APIs and/or web clients/server like applications. Flask is very […]

Android Kotlin

Firebase made easy in Kotlin

Today we are going to deal with Firebase Real-time database in Kotlin. If you did not already know how to add firebase to your android project you may follow instructions on official Firebase Setup Guide. But the easiest way is to add firebase with the help of Android Studio. You may choose any method that […]

Raspberry PI

5-inch TFT Screen Settings for Raspberry PI

Today we are going to solve problem of 5-inch TFT LCD from waveshare. When we plug the LCD and install raspberrian it takes only 3.5 inch space by default. If we want to set the resolution 800×480 so that the screen will be able to take whole space on LCD then follow the steps provided […]


Lock bits of atmega8 using AvrDude

Many time we need to program our atmega with external programmer. This could be for even programming bootloader or to upload hex file in production. Today we are going to explain how to program atmega8 with external programmer. We are going to use AVR Dude which is also part of Arduino development environment. But we […]


JFrame Basics for building GUI in Java

Building GUI is a crucial part of any application with requires user interactions. Mostly when interactions involves Graphical Representations. It could be in form of Data Display or for taking inputs from users. Java provide JFrame class from javax.swing  extented from awt library to support swing components capabilities. We are going to present some basics […]

RPi 3 Raspberry PI

Running Raspbian Stretch in Windows

In this article we are going to explain how to Run Raspbian Strech in Windows using Qemu Emulator. Emulation is always helpful while prototyping and in case of Raspberry Pi it is very helpful to emulate our rasbian image with help of some virtual machine like Qemu. So fasten your seat belt because we are […]