Tutorials Assembly Language STM8

Getting Started with STM8 Assembly Language

Assembly language programming is always a great tool to understand underlying architecture of microcontroller. It also helps us to use any microcontroller at it’s full potential. In today’s Article we are going to develop a hello world program and we will be using ST Visual develop IDE throughout our tutorial. We are also going to […]

Raspberry PI Tutorials

Raspberry Pi Servo Motor Control Python

If you want to control servo motor with Raspberry Pi, or you wonder how to drive servo motor with raspberry pi? Then this article is for you. In this article we are going to present Raspberry Pi servo motor control python code so that any one who wish to drive servo motor with raspberry pi […]

Examples Tutorials

PubNub and NodeMcu ESP8266 example

PubNub provides an easy to use interface for IoT enabled devices .PubNub and NodeMcu makes great pair to create IoT enbled embedded Devices.  It is simple Publish and Subscribe based protocol. Where any device can subscribe to any channel with subscribe key and could receive all messages published to that channel. On the other hand […]

Microchip PIC16 PIC-CCS Tutorials

Character LCD Driver for PIC CCS Compiler 4 bit Mode

Character LCD is very common and basic accessory, required in most of Embedded system projects.  In today’s post we are making LCD Driver library(Compact Version) for our daily life project usage. Most of the code is inspired and borrowed from Flex-LCD Driver Library. In this driver we will only specific features which are required in our […]

Arduino Tutorials

Responsive RPM Meter with High Resolution using Arduino

RPM meter is very common problem in Embedded system development. Most of the time we need to measure RPM and for this we need some kind of RPM or Tachometer. The most common approach that is used for making Tachometer or RPM Meter is to measure pulses for a specif duration and then multiply it […]


The Simplest way to add PDF Viewer in Android app

There are a lot of ways to add PDF Viewer to your applications. But we are going to present one old but the simplest way to render your desired PDF Files into your Android applications. You may use to display files from assets which we are going to do in today’s post. Or you may […]

Arduino Examples Tutorials

Frequency Meter Using Arduino

In this post we are going to create a frequency meter using arduino. This frequency counter will count the number of cycles per second and will display the output on 16×2 LCD. We used proteous for simulation purpose and to quickly test our circuit. Full source code is provided at end of the post.


Research Potential of NLP

Natural Language Processing or NLP is rapidly growing Research Field. There is lot of potential in this field. This is all about processing the way how humans speaks and communicate with each other. Natural languages are as complex as humans are. Because we, as Human can understand each other’s point of view with many different […]

NLP Tutorials

Natural Language Processing Techniques

In this post we are going to discuss about rapidly growing Research field which is about Language processing. We list down useful tools and previously well known developed APIs and techniques to use for processing Natural languages.  NLP Techniques This Quora post explains it in little more depth. But here are some of the famous techniques […]

Tutorials Android Kotlin

Rest API Client in Android using Volley and Gson

Making Http Request in android is very common when it comes to create a Restful API Client Application. Because this is a network call so it is very common that this task is kind of blocking call. When the API becomes more complex like when it needs to authenticate via OAuth2.0 or something, then the […]