Arduino Nano is a very good machine when it comes down to multitasking automation tasks. For many industrial designers, PWM is their main criterion when looking for a suitable automation platform. PWM stands for “Pulse width modulation”, which simply means that it is a type of signal that contains a range of possible frequencies. PWM […]
Author: Abdul Rehman
My name is Abdul Rehman and I love to do Reasearch in Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Engineering related fields. With 10+ years of experience in Research and Development field in Embedded systems I touched lot of technologies including Web development, and Mobile Application development. Now with the help of Social Presence, I like to share my knowledge and to document everything I learned and still learning.
Today we are talking about interfacing a 4×3 keypad with 8051 microcontrollers in assembly language programming for the 8051 microcontrollers. The 8051 microcontroller is one of the simplest to use the 4×3 keypad or any other matrix keypad like 4×3 4×4 or any other matrix keypad. By calling the matrix keypad what I actually mean […]
LED Blinking is one of the simplest task, which we are going to solve in this tutorial. This could be difficult if we try to do this in assembly language. We are going to write LED Blink 8051 Assembly language code in this tutorial. Before we get started let’s review what kind of previous understanding […]
Arduino vs raspberry pi for IoT is one of the latest most controversial topics in computer science. Choosing the accurate hardware for the development of IoT projects is amongst the most crucial tasks in the IoT success process. That’s why Arduino vs Raspberry pi for IoT is always confusing and make a hard decision for […]
STM8s External interrupt example
Using External Interrupt is one of the key feature of any microcontroller. Just like any other microcontroller, STM8s series also provide the external interrupt functionality out of the box. If you are coming with any other 8-bit microcontroller family like the 8051 series you may notice that those microcontrollers provides limited numbers of pins for […]
STM8S UART Example Code
UART is one of the rudimentary and crucial peripheral. Using UART in STM8 microcontroller is also effortless. We will use STM8S003F3 or STM8S103F3 Blue pill board for the demo purposes. But this code will equally work well on other variants of the STM8S microcontrollers. As I had tested this code on STM8S903K3 micro controller as […]
While programming STM8 microcontroller using assembly language, it is very important to know the internal architecture of the STM8 micro controllers. We are going to use the STM8s microcontroller and according to the Reference manual of STM8s microcontroller , the CPU of STM8s microcontroller consists 6 internal registers. Because the STM8 microcontroller is 8-bit microcontroller, […]
How to use AForge.Net Framework in C#? is wonderful Image Processing and Computer vision framework for the Language. This framework comes with few power full machine learning tools as well. Because it is built on the dot net version 2.0, so it could work on previous Visual Studio versions as well. Just like we are going to use it with […]
PIC Microcontroller 16f887 assembly code example for LED blinking is very simple and easy to implement. This is why it is always recommended to blink an LED for any embedded system development beginner. The microcontroller PIC16F887 is used for demo purposes but this code is equally applicable to other variants of PIC16 micro-controllers, like PIC16F877A […]
We often need to log data to different platforms. Due to the wide popularity of the NodeMCU, it is now possible to Log data to a secure and easy to access data sources like Google Sheet. Today, we are going to log temperature sensor data to google sheet using nodemcu esp8266. The reason for choosing […]